With a range of different Grid and Line types, we have all of your use cases covered to ensure that the next time you are working on a document, you can make it look amazing.
Mitch Varcoe
Being able to keep your notes and annotations neat and tidy is important. Just like if you were writing with a pen and paper, having lines to follow can make a huge difference when trying to keep your page clean and organized.
To assist with this we have created a series of templates and overlays within Drawboard PDF that can be used on your documents to help you out.
With a range of different Grid and Line types, we have all of your use cases covered to ensure that the next time you are working on a document, you can make it look amazing.
The Grid and Line types that are currently available include:
Notebook paper Gregg
Ruled Paper
Pitman Ruled Paper
Graph paper 1/8"
Graph paper 1/4"
Graph paper 1/2"
Graph paper 1 cm
Engineering Grid
Isometric Grid 1/2"
Isometric Grid 1/2"
Isometric Grid 1 cm
There are two different ways to use Grids and Lines - through templates, or as overlays:
Grids and Lines in templates
When starting a new document, you can add Grids and Lines directly to the document at the template level. Adding these elements at a template level means that once added the Grids and Lines become a permanent part of the document, and cannot be removed.
Adding Grids and Lines using templates is great for note taking or working on calculations as you can easily keep your annotations neat and tidy.
Grids and Lines as overlays
Using the overlay option when adding Grids and Lines, unlike the template option - the lines are not made a permanent part of your document, and can be removed leaving you with a clean finished product.
Overlays are great when adding notes to existing documents, working with a mix of sketches and text on a page, and providing a clean handwriting feel on a page with large amounts of text.
How to access grids and lines as templates and overlays
Being able to keep your notes and annotations neat and tidy is important. Just like if you were writing with a pen and paper, having lines to follow can make a huge difference when trying to keep your page clean and organized.
To assist with this we have created a series of templates and overlays within Drawboard PDF that can be used on your documents to help you out.
With a range of different Grid and Line types, we have all of your use cases covered to ensure that the next time you are working on a document, you can make it look amazing.
The Grid and Line types that are currently available include:
Notebook paper Gregg
Ruled Paper
Pitman Ruled Paper
Graph paper 1/8"
Graph paper 1/4"
Graph paper 1/2"
Graph paper 1 cm
Engineering Grid
Isometric Grid 1/2"
Isometric Grid 1/2"
Isometric Grid 1 cm
There are two different ways to use Grids and Lines - through templates, or as overlays:
Grids and Lines in templates
When starting a new document, you can add Grids and Lines directly to the document at the template level. Adding these elements at a template level means that once added the Grids and Lines become a permanent part of the document, and cannot be removed.
Adding Grids and Lines using templates is great for note taking or working on calculations as you can easily keep your annotations neat and tidy.
Grids and Lines as overlays
Using the overlay option when adding Grids and Lines, unlike the template option - the lines are not made a permanent part of your document, and can be removed leaving you with a clean finished product.
Overlays are great when adding notes to existing documents, working with a mix of sketches and text on a page, and providing a clean handwriting feel on a page with large amounts of text.
How to access grids and lines as templates and overlays