Drawboard Projects & Arion: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Arion: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Arion: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Arion: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Arion: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Arion: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Arion: A case study

Arion enhances their process engineering and procurement processes with Drawboard Projects.

Based in Houston, Texas, Arion is a leading provider for engineering procurement and construction management services. At the core of the company sits its three pillars: people, performance and innovation.

Looking for a new way

With innovation being a key pillar and driving force of the company, the team at Arion was consistently looking to do things in a new and better way.

Jacob Loupe, Delivery Systems and Innovations Manager at Arion says that the team knew that their clients wanted to see something different.

Jacob Loupe (left) and Matt Walker (right)

“We were looking for a solution that would impress our clients; show them what we can do; and show them we’re forward thinking. We don’t want to just do things the way people have always done them.”

Working in a hybrid model - both remotely and from the office - meant that the team needed a software solution that would better enable them to collaborate remotely on drawings while also eliminating their reliance on paper processes.

Ensuring that the solution would be easy to roll out across the company was key.

“One of the things I really liked about [Drawboard Projects] was it was trying to keep the paper and pencil concept,” says Jacob.

“We have a variety of users with different experience levels with technology and computers. And I thought that if it was a pen and a paper type of system that they would be able to easily acclimate to that.”

Cloud-first for collaboration

Before adopting Drawboard Projects, the team at Arion would manage and review a lot of paper drawings. They would also use some digital copies that they would put on a network drive that only one person could access at a time.

“We couldn't collaborate as easily,” says Patrick Blomberg, Process Department Manager at Arion.

Now with Drawboard Projects, the team can mark up drawings from home or from the office, and anyone in the team can see and understand changes no matter where they are. Patrick says that this has enabled the team to work more quickly and effectively together.

The structural department uses Drawboard Projects as a checking tool, while process engineers and instrumentation engineers use it almost exclusively when they work on P&IDs.

“For the procurement process, we might use it to review documents and put red lines and documents there. For process engineering, one of the things that we like to do is put PFDs and P&IDs in there, redline those documents, and we can share them with people”

For Mechanical Engineer Matt Walker, being able to get ideas out of his head onto a drawing as soon as possible is key. Drawboard Projects has helped with this.

“I can confirm for me personally, it's a big value add,” says Matt.

A centralized approach for a multidisciplinary team

Drawboard Projects has helped Arion keep important information and conversations tracked and consolidated.

The ability to seamlessly manage multiple drawing revisions in Drawboard Projects and overlay revisions means that the team can see at a glance what changes have been made from one revision to the next. Jacob says that this has saved the team a ton of time.

Additionally, the flexibility of the Layers feature has helped to improve oversight and streamline Arion’s processes. Arion keeps an approval layer for all markups that are ready for drafting. In this way of working, multiple people can work on different layers on the same drawing, they then decide which markups make it to the approval layer, and then markups on that layer go on to get drafted.

A solution that keeps on giving

After adopting Drawboard Projects, the team has been pleasantly surprised by some of the ways it’s helped them to streamline the way they work.

“One thing that really surprised me with how useful it’s been is the Issues tool… Using that tool to ping each other and say, “Hey, I want you to look at this right here”… you can respond directly in the tool, and then you can make a record of that if needed,” Patrick says.

The team also noted how beneficial it has been to receive ongoing tailored support from the Drawboard team.

“One of the best things about our relationship with the Drawboard team is that we've gotten a direct line to the developers. Some of the requests we've had, such as the Markup Library, have become some of our favorite features,” says Jacob.

“I think the more we can use it, and the more the individual disciplines can incorporate it into the workflows, the more integral it will become, and it'll be definitely hard to change from that.”

Watch the video case study:

Coordinate your next project with Drawboard Projects. Start your free 30 day trial or book a demo today.

Based in Houston, Texas, Arion is a leading provider for engineering procurement and construction management services. At the core of the company sits its three pillars: people, performance and innovation.

Looking for a new way

With innovation being a key pillar and driving force of the company, the team at Arion was consistently looking to do things in a new and better way.

Jacob Loupe, Delivery Systems and Innovations Manager at Arion says that the team knew that their clients wanted to see something different.

Jacob Loupe (left) and Matt Walker (right)

“We were looking for a solution that would impress our clients; show them what we can do; and show them we’re forward thinking. We don’t want to just do things the way people have always done them.”

Working in a hybrid model - both remotely and from the office - meant that the team needed a software solution that would better enable them to collaborate remotely on drawings while also eliminating their reliance on paper processes.

Ensuring that the solution would be easy to roll out across the company was key.

“One of the things I really liked about [Drawboard Projects] was it was trying to keep the paper and pencil concept,” says Jacob.

“We have a variety of users with different experience levels with technology and computers. And I thought that if it was a pen and a paper type of system that they would be able to easily acclimate to that.”

Cloud-first for collaboration

Before adopting Drawboard Projects, the team at Arion would manage and review a lot of paper drawings. They would also use some digital copies that they would put on a network drive that only one person could access at a time.

“We couldn't collaborate as easily,” says Patrick Blomberg, Process Department Manager at Arion.

Now with Drawboard Projects, the team can mark up drawings from home or from the office, and anyone in the team can see and understand changes no matter where they are. Patrick says that this has enabled the team to work more quickly and effectively together.

The structural department uses Drawboard Projects as a checking tool, while process engineers and instrumentation engineers use it almost exclusively when they work on P&IDs.

“For the procurement process, we might use it to review documents and put red lines and documents there. For process engineering, one of the things that we like to do is put PFDs and P&IDs in there, redline those documents, and we can share them with people”

For Mechanical Engineer Matt Walker, being able to get ideas out of his head onto a drawing as soon as possible is key. Drawboard Projects has helped with this.

“I can confirm for me personally, it's a big value add,” says Matt.

A centralized approach for a multidisciplinary team

Drawboard Projects has helped Arion keep important information and conversations tracked and consolidated.

The ability to seamlessly manage multiple drawing revisions in Drawboard Projects and overlay revisions means that the team can see at a glance what changes have been made from one revision to the next. Jacob says that this has saved the team a ton of time.

Additionally, the flexibility of the Layers feature has helped to improve oversight and streamline Arion’s processes. Arion keeps an approval layer for all markups that are ready for drafting. In this way of working, multiple people can work on different layers on the same drawing, they then decide which markups make it to the approval layer, and then markups on that layer go on to get drafted.

A solution that keeps on giving

After adopting Drawboard Projects, the team has been pleasantly surprised by some of the ways it’s helped them to streamline the way they work.

“One thing that really surprised me with how useful it’s been is the Issues tool… Using that tool to ping each other and say, “Hey, I want you to look at this right here”… you can respond directly in the tool, and then you can make a record of that if needed,” Patrick says.

The team also noted how beneficial it has been to receive ongoing tailored support from the Drawboard team.

“One of the best things about our relationship with the Drawboard team is that we've gotten a direct line to the developers. Some of the requests we've had, such as the Markup Library, have become some of our favorite features,” says Jacob.

“I think the more we can use it, and the more the individual disciplines can incorporate it into the workflows, the more integral it will become, and it'll be definitely hard to change from that.”

Watch the video case study:

Coordinate your next project with Drawboard Projects. Start your free 30 day trial or book a demo today.

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About Drawboard

We are a PDF and collaboration company. We believe that creating more effective connections between people reduces waste.

Our best work has been overtaken by busywork. That’s why we’ve created ways to help people get back to working wonders without any paper in sight.

Drawboard PDF lets you mark up and share with ease, and Drawboard Projects brings collaborative design review to architecture and engineering teams.

At Drawboard, we work our magic so our customers can get back to working theirs.

About Drawboard

We are a PDF and collaboration company. We believe that creating more effective connections between people reduces waste.

Our best work has been overtaken by busywork. That’s why we’ve created ways to help people get back to working wonders without any paper in sight.

Drawboard PDF lets you mark up and share with ease, and Drawboard Projects brings collaborative design review to architecture and engineering teams.

At Drawboard, we work our magic so our customers can get back to working theirs.

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