Drawboard Projects & Clip-Lok SimPak: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Clip-Lok SimPak: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Clip-Lok SimPak: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Clip-Lok SimPak: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Clip-Lok SimPak: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Clip-Lok SimPak: A case study

Drawboard Projects & Clip-Lok SimPak: A case study

The Clip-Lok SimPak team adopted Drawboard Projects to improve quality control and enhance their production workflow - all while eliminating their reliance on paper.

Servicing clients across 5 continents, Denmark-based Clip-Lok SimPak is a leading provider of innovative packaging solutions. They specialize in creating customized, reusable, and sustainable packaging solutions for various industries including automotive, defence, healthcare and industrial engineering.

With customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility at the core of their business, the Clip-Lok SimPak team needed a software solution that would fit with their mission, drive efficiencies and support their fast and agile production process. Finding a solution that would help the team to handle many product orders and, enable them to make real-time corrections on drawings while reducing administrative labor time was key.

Katrine Skovbjerg Cardellino - Head of Product Development, Clip-Lok SimPak

Head of Product Development Katrine Skovbjerg Cardellino says that the team had “searched for this type of service for a year or two, however in vain.” Eventually, after hearing about Drawboard through a network contact, the Clip-Lok SimPak team adopted Drawboard Projects to streamline their administrative and production workflows.

A unique challenge requires a tailored solution

Clip-Lok SimPak delivers small series products with few or no prototypes. Working in this way means that there isn’t time to correct mistakes or discover necessary changes before the serial production. Thus, any necessary changes to the product found during production need to be communicated to all workstations immediately to ensure that revisions can be made without delay. 

This agile way of working helps the team to deliver positive client outcomes. Many of Clip-Lok SimPak’s clients are from rapidly growing industries like medical equipment and robot technology. Servicing clients on short notice from design to serial production is crucial. 

Katrine says that in this short process it is very important to secure high quality and flawless document control. This is one of the ways that Drawboard Projects has helped.

“Historically, we worked with physical work drawings on paper, which made it challenging to keep all documents updated while production was running in parallel.”

The Clip-Lok SimPak team would print several sets of drawings for each order, resulting in massive paper consumption. 

Clip-Lok SimPak needed a system that would allow the team to make corrections on drawings that could then be seen by all production members in real-time. 

This is where Drawboard Projects came in.

An agile approach, digitized

Adopting Drawboard Projects has meant that the Clip-Lok SimPak team has been able to maintain their rapid approach to production while driving business efficiencies and eliminating their reliance on paper processes.

What used to involve copious amounts of paper and administrative labor time is now digitized and streamlined with Drawboard Projects. The team creates and manages a project for each product order, helping them to maintain oversight, work quickly in production and keep all relevant documentation in one place.

“We are now able to keep a larger part of the documentation connected to an order in one place. This includes the work drawings, as well as quality control documents, required changes, and, for example, pictures of our packed products ready for shipment.”

Bringing everyone onto the same page 

Katrine says that its simplicity and the range of functions within Drawboard Projects were very much what the team needed.

“Our production members have a wide range of educational backgrounds and nationalities, and we needed a system that was intuitive for everyone and would not take up extra valuable labor hours.”

The Clip-Lok SimPak team is pleased to have reduced administrative labor hours in order handling, which was needed in a busy department. Additionally, the team’s production members have benefitted from having all information and registration of quality control ready at their fingertips.

“Drawboard has been a great change on all levels and there has been no doubt that everyone has welcomed this change with excitement.”

Coordinate your next project with Drawboard Projects. Start your free 30 day trial or book a demo today.

Servicing clients across 5 continents, Denmark-based Clip-Lok SimPak is a leading provider of innovative packaging solutions. They specialize in creating customized, reusable, and sustainable packaging solutions for various industries including automotive, defence, healthcare and industrial engineering.

With customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility at the core of their business, the Clip-Lok SimPak team needed a software solution that would fit with their mission, drive efficiencies and support their fast and agile production process. Finding a solution that would help the team to handle many product orders and, enable them to make real-time corrections on drawings while reducing administrative labor time was key.

Katrine Skovbjerg Cardellino - Head of Product Development, Clip-Lok SimPak

Head of Product Development Katrine Skovbjerg Cardellino says that the team had “searched for this type of service for a year or two, however in vain.” Eventually, after hearing about Drawboard through a network contact, the Clip-Lok SimPak team adopted Drawboard Projects to streamline their administrative and production workflows.

A unique challenge requires a tailored solution

Clip-Lok SimPak delivers small series products with few or no prototypes. Working in this way means that there isn’t time to correct mistakes or discover necessary changes before the serial production. Thus, any necessary changes to the product found during production need to be communicated to all workstations immediately to ensure that revisions can be made without delay. 

This agile way of working helps the team to deliver positive client outcomes. Many of Clip-Lok SimPak’s clients are from rapidly growing industries like medical equipment and robot technology. Servicing clients on short notice from design to serial production is crucial. 

Katrine says that in this short process it is very important to secure high quality and flawless document control. This is one of the ways that Drawboard Projects has helped.

“Historically, we worked with physical work drawings on paper, which made it challenging to keep all documents updated while production was running in parallel.”

The Clip-Lok SimPak team would print several sets of drawings for each order, resulting in massive paper consumption. 

Clip-Lok SimPak needed a system that would allow the team to make corrections on drawings that could then be seen by all production members in real-time. 

This is where Drawboard Projects came in.

An agile approach, digitized

Adopting Drawboard Projects has meant that the Clip-Lok SimPak team has been able to maintain their rapid approach to production while driving business efficiencies and eliminating their reliance on paper processes.

What used to involve copious amounts of paper and administrative labor time is now digitized and streamlined with Drawboard Projects. The team creates and manages a project for each product order, helping them to maintain oversight, work quickly in production and keep all relevant documentation in one place.

“We are now able to keep a larger part of the documentation connected to an order in one place. This includes the work drawings, as well as quality control documents, required changes, and, for example, pictures of our packed products ready for shipment.”

Bringing everyone onto the same page 

Katrine says that its simplicity and the range of functions within Drawboard Projects were very much what the team needed.

“Our production members have a wide range of educational backgrounds and nationalities, and we needed a system that was intuitive for everyone and would not take up extra valuable labor hours.”

The Clip-Lok SimPak team is pleased to have reduced administrative labor hours in order handling, which was needed in a busy department. Additionally, the team’s production members have benefitted from having all information and registration of quality control ready at their fingertips.

“Drawboard has been a great change on all levels and there has been no doubt that everyone has welcomed this change with excitement.”

Coordinate your next project with Drawboard Projects. Start your free 30 day trial or book a demo today.

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About Drawboard

We are a PDF and collaboration company. We believe that creating more effective connections between people reduces waste.

Our best work has been overtaken by busywork. That’s why we’ve created ways to help people get back to working wonders without any paper in sight.

Drawboard PDF lets you mark up and share with ease, and Drawboard Projects brings collaborative design review to architecture and engineering teams.

At Drawboard, we work our magic so our customers can get back to working theirs.

About Drawboard

We are a PDF and collaboration company. We believe that creating more effective connections between people reduces waste.

Our best work has been overtaken by busywork. That’s why we’ve created ways to help people get back to working wonders without any paper in sight.

Drawboard PDF lets you mark up and share with ease, and Drawboard Projects brings collaborative design review to architecture and engineering teams.

At Drawboard, we work our magic so our customers can get back to working theirs.

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