Baumgart Clark Architects, based in Melbourne, Australia, operates with a proud preference towards not-for-profit clientele and heritage refurbishments.
“John [Clark] and I both have a commitment to socially engaged projects”, explains Marcus Baumgart, a Director of the practice along with John A Clark.
This commitment wasn’t the only one the pair made upon founding the practice five years ago. Baumgart and Clark also had full intent to be involved in a hands on manner with all projects, rather than common industry practice of ‘handballing’ to a junior team.
Practically, this meant additional coordination and team-building to maintain the team’s high level of service. “Growing a business is a challenge”, he admits.
Drawboard Projects facilitates fast turnaround
By being the epicenter of all design communication, Drawboard Projects, formerly Bullclip, facilitates all design review at the practice, and ensures that both Baumgart and Clark are able to give effective design feedback on a daily basis.
In addition, Projects also recently empowered the team to expand interstate. “The fact that we had already integrated with Projects made it an easy experience”, explains Hurley.
“When we were thinking about what we needed in order to start a second office, we had Revit online, video conferencing, and Projects was the final piece of that puzzle”
Marcus Baumgart, Director
Rather than printing 50 drawings every afternoon, the team now uploads all revised drawings and documentation to Projects each night to give the leadership team more time to review the day’s work. Depending on his schedule, Baumgart can review designs in Projects from a range of devices or a web browser - wherever he is in the world.
“It’s right there in the interface. I can zoom in, it’s very simple, and I can get a very quick understanding of the breadth of what’s been done. I can make markups, certainly, but even just seeing what’s being done in a graphic and presentable format is very useful to us”.
Tactile markup on a live system
The underlying power of Projects, explains Baumgart, is that his team are now able to digitally mark up drawings with the ease of pen and paper.
“It’s very natural to take a tool like the Surface Pro and to want to draw on it. That impulse is embedded in the working architect. Having that touch capacity and the ability to mark them up opened up a whole new potential for us”
From an operations perspective, Hurley explains that “being able to do that digitally and have that saved, stored and filed correctly…it’s just time saving – that’s the crux of it”.